DCC News Articles
Check out these News Articles about the DCC!
Creating a More Welcoming Campus for Disabled Students
Monica Kessel, a 2023 graduate of the Master’s in Higher Education Administration program at Georgetown University, shares her story of discovery and advocacy.
Georgetown Unveils Community Space, New Home for Student Equity and Inclusion Office
This past winter, Georgetown University celebrated the official opening of its campus space for the Office of Student Equity and Inclusion.
Celebrating Disability Pride, Communities and Culture at Georgetown
At Georgetown, we support, educate, and empower disabled community members of all backgrounds. Join us as we celebrate disabled people’s contributions to our Georgetown community.
Georgetown Launches New Disability Cultural Center on Campus
This fall, Georgetown is launching a Disability Cultural Center. This on-campus hub enables students from all backgrounds to engage in disability culture and provide insightful programming.
Students Celebrate Disability, Culture and Community at Art Showcase
Students Celebrate Disability, Culture and Community at Art Showcase.
Why a New Campus Leader Says We All Benefit From Disability Innovation
Amy Kenny, a disability scholar and advocate, will join the university on August 22 as the inaugural associate director of the Disability Cultural Initiative. The initiative will support, educate, and empower disabled community members of all cultures, races, sexual orientations, genders and ages.